Japanese Custom Motorcycles

„Last but not least“ sei das neueste Werk von Uli Cloesen gewürdigt.

Der in Neuseeland residierende Schwabe zeigt diesmal zahlreiche interessante Custom-Motorräder auf Basis von japanischen Modellen. Die Umbauten sind nach Marken sortiert, dabei werden jeweils auch einige wichtige Serien-Chopper und -Cruiser der großen Werke vorgestellt. Für Trike-Fans ist der Band zusätzlich interessant, da er einige Conversions und andere Dreirad-Derivate präsentiert. Weiter Kapitel beleuchten die japanische Custom-Szene, customisierte China-“Clons“ und die Bobber. Wie schon die bisherigen Cloesen-Bücher ist auch dieses Werk bildlastig, die Qualität der Farbfotos ist durchgängig gut. Noch in diesem Frühjahr wird der Titel „British Custom Motorcycles“ in ähnlicher Aufmachung folgen. Außerdem kommt demnächst ein Buch zum Thema „Italienische Motorradgespanne“ - diesmal in deutscher Sprache.


http://www.gespann-news.de - AK03/14

Cracking photos and a huge range and variety of customisations, we particularly enjoyed the retro cafe racers. Lots of inspriration and a must for any Japanese custom bike enthusiast!



http://classic-motorbikes.net - February 2014

4.0 out of 5 stars  - February 4, 2014
Richard D. Will (WilmingtonDE USA)
great book on custom Japanese bikes, a lot of great ideas to consider and great pictures. if your a collector of older Japanese bikes 1970's -1980's it's a must read.
Veloce Publishing continue with the hardback series written by Uli Cloesen on custom bikes featuring those that tend not to use the traditional power-plants, or accepted construction methods. In this latest 128 page book featuring 275 colour pictures, he turns his attention to Custom bikes that use Japanese bikes as the base or donor machine.
As you read through the seven chapters covering the major brands, plus one on Chinese copies, you have to admire both the author and publisher for thinking outside the box and moving with the current trend of customising, partly fuelled by the current economic climate.
Once again Cloesen has done a marvellous job in finding various machines that fail to conform to the norm. Contained in the glossy art pages are bikes produced by the factory’s like Honda’s Interstate and the odd concept machine, right through to those created by customising firms and lastly to those created in a ‘garden shed’.
As before in the series included are all types within the genre such as chopper, bobber, trike, and quad. Excellent photography as ever is backed up by concise text giving you the basics of the machines construction etc.
As you look thought the book you are reminded that the Japanese industry has produced a variety of engines, singles, twins, fours and of course V-twins. As a result many of the bikes shown look right and there are very few that assault your sensibilities unlike some machines that have appeared in some of the other books in this excellent series!
However, even the ones that may not excite you normally display some engineering brilliance even if they fall short on the design, or artistic front. As a result the book is as much about engineering excellence as it is about the visual experience - as for riding well that is open to debate!
In summing up, all I can say is that like all the others in the series it is well written, well laid out and well -illustrated and well worth having on the bookshelf to remind yourself that the greatest thing about motorcycling is the diversity that exists within.
Once again sensibly priced at £25.00 like the other three in the series, which is actually building into a useful custom reference work.

07 February 2014 - www.inter-bike.co.uk - Review by Ian Kerr MBE


The nostalgic appeal for those of us who grew up in the early custom bike scene is strong ... a hardback coffee table book with class. --The Road--  Feb 2014
Die schönsten japanischen Custom Bikes
Von Autofreak am 4. Januar 2014
Über die wirklich schönsten Japan Custom Bikes berichtet Ulrich ‘Uli’ Cloesen in Wort und Bild in seinem Buch Japanese Custom Motorcycles. Uli ist Biker durch und durch. In Stuttgart geboren, lebt er heute in Wadestown/Neuseeland. Motorrad Fan ist er bereits seit 1975. Seine Leidenschaft für das biken begann mit einer Maico MD50 über diverse BMWs, Yamahas, Kawasaki und eine Royal Enfield.
Uli ist auch der Autor des Buches BMW Custom Motorcycles in dem er über die schönsten BMW Custom Bikes in Wort und Bild berichtet.
In seinem neuen Buch zeigt er, was man aus japanischen Serien-Motorrädern alles machen kann. Die Bilder im Buch sind wahrhaft ein Traum und die detailreichen Texte spornen an, sich auch einmal ein Custom Bike zuzulegen oder sein eigenes Bike entsprechend umzubauen. Das ist gar nicht so schwer, wie man denkt.
Aber der Trend weg vom Serien-Bike, hin zu mehr Individualität ist eindeutig gegeben. Die glattgelutschten Joghurtbecher-Sportbikes sterben aus, was nicht nur an der Überalterung der Kunden in Deutschland liegt.
Hauptinhalte des Japanese Custom Motorcycles Buches sind natürlich die gigantischen Bilder. Zusätzlich zu den technischen Erläuterungen der Custom Bike Umbauten, kommen die Inhaber der individualisierten Motorräder zu Wort. Und Ihr erfahrt sogar etwas über die anrollenden “chinesischen Klone”. Japanese Custom Motorcycles by Uli Cloesen, ISBN: 9781845845308. (Fotos: Veloce Verlag/Np) - Ein MUSS für Bike-Fans
Quelle: http://www.autodino.de/autonews/2014/01/04/die-schoensten-japanischen-custom-bikes/
Japanese Custom Motorcycles (Book)
Written by Ulrich Cloesen, “Japanese Custom Motorcycles” looks deep into the world of Japanese custom bikes. Cloesen has been a motorcycle enthusiast for 35 years and has also written “BMW Custom Motorcycles.” His latest title examines a wide range of Japanese custom bikes, from budget builds up to premium projects, and Cloesen also provides a rare glimpse of the Japanese domestic custom scene. Other features of the book include a section which tracks the progress of a factory cruiser to a custom bike and an evaluation of Chinese “clone” customs. It’s currently available in the UK and will be available in the United States this March.

4 March 2014 - http://www.classicmechanics.com/news/2014-02/latest-products


With customising very much in vogue, the cafe racer being a prime example, here’s a welcome alternative which features bikes from the big four, highlighting the Japanese manufacturers’ evolution in the custom market.

Japanese Custom Motorcycles by Uli Cloesen covers everything from bobbers and choppers to trikes and quads. It shows how inspiration to create a custom can come from a simple single cylinder to a big twin and virtually every engine configuration in between.
There are some truly superb examples featured from all over the world, along with useful technical detail and owners’ stories. There’s even an entertaining small chapter on the Chinese clones which tend to utilise small capacity engines from Honda and Yamaha.
The book is beautifully illustrated throughout, showing close up detail of quality chroming, superb custom paintwork and some amazing engraving.
We found the book quite inspiring and it makes folk want to have a go at building their own board track racer based on an early Indian, similar to the one featured. An interesting book that will appeal to many a biker and enthusiast.
More info: Veloce Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-845845-30-8

Japanese Customs Book - The Road Magazine Issue 51